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Handbook | A. Administrative Subjects | 04. Electoral Regulations

04. Electoral Regulations

Approved by the 1976 General Assembly and the 1977 Central Committee. Amended by the 1978, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1997 and 1998 General Assemblies.


Nominations for the offices of President, Deputy President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Continental Presidents must reach the FIDE Secretariat at least three months before the opening of the General Assembly. To be elected, each candidate shall be nominated by his federation. He should have been a member of his federation at least one year before the General Assembly.


The letter of nomination shall be sent by the federation of the candidate to FIDE Secretariat by fax and by registered mail. FIDE Secretariat shall confirm receipt of this letter. (GA '93)


Each nominee shall confirm at the same time to FIDE Secretariat their acceptance of the nomination. (GA '95)


All nominations for the offices of President, Deputy President, Vice President, General Secretary or Treasurer shall specify the proposed holders of all those offices on one combined ticket.


The FIDE President will insure that the listing of all nominees is included in the agenda sent to all member federations prior to the Congress.


The elections for the combined ticket of President, Deputy President, Vice President, General Secretary and Treasurer shall be held prior to the other elections. (GA '95)


On the day of the election, each Presidential candidate will have a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes on stage to present his program. The order of appearance shall be based on the drawing of lots.


A defeated candidate for the offices of President or Deputy President may accept nomination for the offices of Continental President immediately following the election.


The nomination and confirmation of the second and third Vice Presidents and Auditor shall be made in the General Assembly immediately after the election of the Continental Presidents.


Preceding the elections, there shall be a roll-call, in alphabetical order, to establish the number of votes possible. (GA '93)


Marked ballots shall be prepared for the elections, with the names of the candidates if there are more than one for a given office.


Three scrutineers, a chairman and two members, shall be appointed for the elections. (GA '93)


Each Presidential candidate is entitled to appoint one observer for the counting of the ballots. (GA '93)


In the elections the names of the federations shall be called. They are to put their ballots in a box with a slot in the order called.


Each ballot shall contain at the most as many names as there are places to be filled in the FIDE organization in question. Otherwise the ballot shall not be valid.


If possible, a list with the candidates for each office shall be circulated before the elections.


A majority of the votes cast, not counting abstentions, shall be required for the election of the officers individually and collectively where necessary. If three or more persons are nominated for the same offices or office and no one person receives the absolute majority on the first ballot then: (GA '95)

  1. The candidate receiving the fewest votes on the first ballot shall be eliminated from the list before the second vote. (GA '95)
  2. If there are still three or more candidates for the offices or office and no one candidate receives the required absolute majority on the second ballot, the process of eliminating one candidate at a time shall continue, as outlined in Article 13a until an election by absolute majority is achieved. (GA '95)

The Continental President shall be elected in such a way that one Continental President is elected from each Continent. (GA '93)

The election procedure for the Continental Presidents will take into consideration Article 9.7 of the Statutes.


The election procedure for the Zonal Presidents will be the same as described under Art. 15, taking into consideration Art. 10.4 of the Statutes.


For the Executive Board each Continent shall have the right to vote for 4 positions to be confirmed by the General Assembly (GA '98).


For the election of the members of the Ethics Commission, Verification Commission and the Commission on South Africa, as well as the other FIDE officials in the General Assembly, point 15 is accordingly applicable. Before the election of the commission their number of members for the coming election period shall be determined, with due observance of their regulations. (GA '93)


Federations which are against the nomination of one of their members for a FIDE office, should raise, themselves or through their delegations, their objections to such a nomination before the election.


All elected officials will enter on duty the last day of the General Assembly where elected, just after the minutes are approved. This will be the last item of the General Assembly minutes.

   FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

FIDE President

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V International Sants Open, Barcelona, ESP


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