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Handbook | A. Administrative Subjects | 01. FIDE Statutes | Chapter 08 - The commissions, or the delegates, of FIDE

Chapter 08 - The commissions, or the delegates, of FIDE


For the accomplishment of certain FIDE-tasks the General Assembly can set up permanent or temporary commissions, or appoint delegates. The number of the commissions is not limited. However they can be created only if there is a good reason and organisational need.


Permanent FIDE Commissions and their (sub-)committees (GA '98):

  1. Qualification Commission
    Title and Ratings Committee
    Arbiters Council
  2. Technical Commission
    Rules Committee
    Swiss Pairings Committee
  3. Chess Events Commission
    World Championship Cycle Committee
    Youth and Junior Events Committee
    Organizers Committee (FIDE Calendar Committee) (GA '95)
  4. Development Commission
    Committee on Assistance to Chess Developing Countries
    Committee on Chess in Schools
    Committee on Women's Chess
    Players' Council
    Committee on International Organizations (UNESCO, IOC, etc.)
    Trainers Committee (GA '95)
    Committee on Chess for the Handicapped (GA '98)
  5. Special Commissions
    Chess Art and Exhibition Committee (GA '98)
    Computer Chess Committee
    Chess Composition Committee
    Chess Philately Committee
    Chess Information, Publication and Statistics Committee
    Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (GA' 98)
  6. Verification Commission - members of this Commission will be elected by the general Assembly only. The purpose of this Commission is to review the annual audit findings and report to the General Assembly
  7. Ethics Commission - reference the Ethics section of the Statutes. This Commission will be elected directly by the General Assembly
  8. Permanent Fund
  9. Permanent Commission for Chess Compositions
  10. Constitutional Committee - responsible for reviewing any Statutes changes and reporting the legality of such to the General Assembly. Their advice and counsel will be non partisan. This Committee will be elected by the General Assembly.
  11. Administrative and Financial Commission (GA '95)

In general the meetings of the Technical Commission and the Qualification Commission should be held immediately before the annual meeting of the General Assembly


Members of the Commissions are (GA '93):

Members from the Presidential Board or the Executive Board appointed by the President. (GA '94)

Up to five experts, appointed by the Chairman of the Commission. The experts should cover the fields of the (sub)committees.

Representatives of each FIDE Zone, in case of the Qualification Commission the Zonal Presidents, who in case of absence may give a proxy to another representative of the Zone.

The meetings of the Commissions are open to all federations.


Commission Membership

The Chairman of the Commission is appointed by the President. Except those elected by the General Assembly.

The members of the (sub-) committees are appointed by the Commission Chairman. The Committees shall generally have 3 to 7 members, at least 2 members of the Committees shall be members of the Commission.

Exceptions are:
The Player's Council
Those Committees directly elected by the General Assembly

Up to ten players, one of them as the Chairman, are appointed by the President. The Chairman is an additional member of the Development Commission.
The Organizers Committee
The members, major organizers and two members of the Presidential Board or the Executive Board, and the Chairman are appointed by the President. The Chairman is an additional member of the Chess Events Commission.


The meetings of the (sub) committees are open to all federations. The Chairman of the Committee shall appoint additional representatives of federations as Committee Counsellors.

The (sub) committees shall meet before the day the Commission meets and prepare all matters and give a written report to the Commission.


To become legally effective, decisions of the commissions require the approval of the General Assembly.

   FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

FIDE President

   Chess events

III Savaria Summer Open, Szombathely, HUN
Brno 2003, CZE
The European Club Cup Men & Women, Crete, GRE
17th Pula Open, Pula, CRO
16th Ciudad de Leon, Leon, ESP
Four Chess Queens and Kings, China
V International Sants Open, Barcelona, ESP


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